1.Widely covered in EU countries Our EU warehouse is located in Germany, which means that we can deliver our products to all EU countries. You will be able to enjoy extremely fast express service when you purchase products in our German warehouse. Tip: Please contact us if your order fails. We will reply to you in time.
2.Free shipping and free taxes You don’t need to pay taxes and shipping costs. We prepaid all costs to avoid more trouble for customers. You only need to pay attention to your products, and we will handle other complicated tasks for you. You will save more time to go Complete other important things.
3.Fast delivery Once the order is confirmed, we will ship the goods within 1-2 business days. We use UPS or DPD shipping methods.You can receive your purchased products within 1-3 business days baisc in Germany,other EU countries will take a little longer about 2-8 business days. You don’t need to wait anxiously for a month or two.
4.Safe and qualified products All our products in the German warehouse have been carefully checked by us before shipment. If the product you received has any flaws, please contact us. There may be collisions during the transportation process that may cause product problems, please understand.
Why are the displayed prices different between German warehouse products and Chinese warehouse products?
All products in our German warehouse have prepaid tax and shipping. You don't pay again. But you need to pay extra tax and shipping fees when you buy products from the Chinese warehouse. But the final price of German warehouse products is lower than Chinese warehouse products.